Stichting Bouwresearch: A Legacy in Dutch Construction Innovation

Founded in 1959, Stichting Research (SBR) has shaped the Dutch construction industry for over five decades. Initially established to fill a knowledge gap in post-war construction methods, SBR quickly evolved into an essential resource for innovation, research, and sustainability in building practices. From introducing new technologies to setting safety and efficiency standards, SBR has played a pivotal role in modernizing the construction landscape of the Netherlands. Today, while its structure has evolved into SBRCURnet and later transitioned to other institutions, its impact continues to be felt across the industry.

Whether you’re a construction professional, architect, or simply interested in how modern construction works, the legacy of SBR offers valuable insights. This article delves into the significance of this organization, its contributions to the field, and ongoing influence on the industry today.

Historical Background: Origins of SBR

In the years following World War II, the Netherlands faced massive reconstruction challenges, and the building industry struggled to adapt to new technologies. Reinforced and prestressed concrete, for example, was still a relatively new concept, and the knowledge required to use these materials effectively was limited. Stichting Research was established to bridge this gap by promoting research into construction materials and methods, ensuring that Dutch builders could confidently adopt cutting-edge technologies.

The foundation’s first chairman, Herman Witte, recognized the importance of collaboration across sectors, bringing together small construction firms, architects, engineers, and policymakers to share insights and improve overall industry standards. This collaborative approach allowed for better construction techniques and laid the groundwork for today’s modern construction practices.

Key Contributions to the Construction Industry

Over the years, SBR has been a leader in driving advancements in the construction field. Its influence has been profound, particularly in four key areas:

1. Innovative Research and Development

Since its inception, SBR has been at the forefront of developing new technologies and methodologies for the construction industry. Research funded and coordinated by SBR led to significant advancements in using materials like reinforced concrete and steel. The foundation focused on improving buildings’ durability, safety, and efficiency, with the ultimate goal of creating long-lasting and environmentally friendly structures.

As building materials and construction methods evolved, SBR kept pace by publishing reports, guides, and standards that helped the industry adopt new techniques. By fostering innovation, SBR ensured that Dutch construction remained competitive and forward-thinking.

2. Knowledge Sharing and Education

One of the most impactful roles of Stichting Research has been its dedication to knowledge dissemination. The organization has provided industry professionals access to critical information through publications like the SBR-Referentiedetails. These reference documents offer detailed guidelines on building techniques, helping contractors, engineers, and architects maintain high-quality project standards.

SBR also organized workshops, seminars, and training sessions, allowing professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements. This educational role helped establish a culture of continuous improvement in the Dutch construction industry, where learning and adaptation are essential to success.

3. Collaboration with Industry Stakeholders

SBR’s strength is its ability to unite diverse stakeholders, including construction firms, consultants, architects, government bodies, and trade associations. By fostering collaboration, SBR created an environment where innovation could thrive and best practices could be shared across the industry. These partnerships allowed for the rapid dissemination of new knowledge, ensuring that even smaller firms had access to the latest research and technologies.

Through partnerships, SBR also worked closely with policymakers to ensure that building regulations kept pace with technological advancements. Its research and recommendations helped shape national construction policies, making Dutch buildings safer and more efficient.

4. Sustainability and Energy Efficiency

In recent years, Stichting Research has focused on sustainability and energy efficiency in construction. Recognizing the growing importance of green building practices, SBR led efforts to reduce the environmental impact of construction by promoting the use of sustainable materials, energy-efficient designs, and eco-friendly construction methods.

Its research into energy-efficient buildings and materials and standards for renewable energy use in construction has played a key role in driving the Dutch construction sector toward sustainability. The organization’s work helped shape the country’s green building policies and set benchmarks for eco-friendly construction projects.

The Evolution and Merger with CURnet

2013, SBR merged with CURnet, another prominent Dutch organization focused on civil engineering, forming SBRCURnet. This merger represented a strategic expansion, combining the expertise of both organizations to address broader challenges in the construction and civil engineering sectors.

SBRCURnet took on ambitious projects, including developing new standards for building safety, fire resistance, and structural integrity. It also continued SBR’s tradition of knowledge sharing by publishing guides, technical recommendations, and best practices. However, due to funding challenges, SBRCURnet ceased to exist as an independent entity in 2017, and its responsibilities were divided between other organizations like CROW (for civil engineering) and ISSO (for building installations).

Impact on the Modern Construction Industry

Even though Stichting Research no longer exists in its original form, its legacy continues to shape the construction industry in the Netherlands. Many standards and practices that guide modern building projects today were developed through SBR’s research and collaboration with industry professionals.

The focus on sustainability and energy efficiency that SBR championed has become a core value in the construction world, influencing new building codes and environmental regulations. The foundation’s early work in these areas still drives the emphasis on durability, cost-effectiveness, and safety in construction.

Commercial Benefits of Stichting Bouwresearch’s Work

The work done by SBR has had a profound commercial impact on the construction industry. SBR helped companies reduce costs, streamline processes, and adopt safer building practices by providing practical solutions and actionable insights. Construction firms that implemented SBR’s recommendations often saw improvements in project quality, operational efficiency, and client satisfaction.

Moreover, SBR’s contributions to standard-setting helped reduce uncertainty in the construction process, leading to fewer project delays and reduced maintenance costs. This stability allowed businesses to offer more reliable services, ultimately leading to better profitability and a stronger competitive edge in the market.

Where Stichting Bouwresearch’s Legacy Stands Today

While SBR no longer operates under its original name, its influence remains through organizations like CROW and ISSO, which have taken over its key responsibilities. These institutions continue to build upon SBR’s research, ensuring that Dutch construction professionals have access to the knowledge and resources they need to succeed.

The work that SBR pioneered in sustainability, safety, and energy efficiency continues to set the standard for modern construction practices, making it clear that its legacy will endure for years.


Stichting Bouwresearch may no longer exist as an independent entity, but its contributions to the Dutch construction industry are undeniable. Through its innovative research, knowledge dissemination, and commitment to sustainability, SBR helped shape the future of construction. Today, its influence is still felt in the standards and practices that guide modern building projects, ensuring that the industry remains efficient, safe, and environmentally conscious.


What was the primary mission of Stichting’s research?

The primary mission of SBR was to advance research and knowledge in construction methods, materials, and sustainability. It aimed to improve building quality and efficiency across the Netherlands.

How did SBR contribute to the development of modern building standards?

SBR played a significant role in shaping building standards through research, collaboration with industry stakeholders, and the publication of best practices. Its contributions included guidelines on material use, energy efficiency, and construction safety.

What is SBRCURnet, and how is it related to SBR?

SBRCURnet was formed in 2013 through the merger of Stichting Bouwresearch and CURnet, combining construction and civil engineering expertise. The organization continued SBR’s mission before its eventual dissolution in 2017.

What impact did SBR have on sustainability in construction?

SBR was a pioneer in promoting sustainable construction practices. It researched energy-efficient buildings, eco-friendly materials, and green building methods, influencing national policies on sustainability.

How did SBR’s work benefit the commercial construction sector?

SBR helped construction companies improve their operations, reduce costs, and enhance building quality by providing practical guidelines and research. Its work also helped businesses stay competitive by adopting innovative construction techniques.

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